Create A Rhythm

Inspired at first and then a bit intimidated after a few days have gone by and now I want very much to create a friendly rhythm with the blog experience but in order for this to happen I must engage in the process through repetition daily in order for any sort of flow to occur.  There is absolutely no reason why I should feel the tiniest bit of unease when my blog and I are perfectly capable of having a harmonious relationship.  Right?  Right.  After all the crux of my colour storytelling is a celebration of Inspiration, Interpretation and Exploration and thus I should fear not but instead let the ruminative journey begin.

I feel that I should introduce myself first by saying my name is Kim and I am the creator of this blog and the person who will provide you with a curious window into my colourful world hopefully on a regular basis.  If you peek into the “about” section of this blog, you will read a somewhat abbreviated and clearly esoteric description of my artistic nature including a small bit about the types of materials I like to use when creating my jewelry.  I collect many different kinds of things ranging from mostly antique tribal textiles and ornamentation from Central and Southeast Asia, beads from all over the world, found objects, items from nature, books and last but certainly not least….rocks and stones.

I hope to use this blog as a way to reach out and touch others who might also share a similar aesthetic or creative bent and wish to contribute ideas and opinions in an attempt to network and grow.  Also I hope to find an audience interested in my work, whether it is through the purchase of my jewelry or whether it is an opportunity to learn the art of beaded jewelry design by taking one of my classes.  My vocation is that of artist and teacher.  My avocation and preoccupation is collecting and arranging the myriad colours, textures and patterns that make up my inner and outer world.  This process is my joy and peace of mind.

I think for now I have provided ample detail of who I am and what I hope to create through this colourful blog process.

Oh.  And before I forget, Flickr will be a wonderful place to visit once I update my photostream with new images of my jewelry creations in addition to an abundance of photo vignettes showcasing my inspiration so check back from time to time.


5 Responses to “Create A Rhythm”

  1. 1 Judi Lockemer March 23, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    Hi Kim,
    I am so excited to see your blog up and running.I think “Colour Stories” is just perfect for the title since you have such a wonderful sense and appreciation of colour. It is apparent in your photography and the beautiful jewelry you create. It will be a treat to be inspired by your blog, just as I have always been inspired by you and your wonderful work. Love, Judi

  2. 2 Kim Mettee March 23, 2010 at 7:05 pm

    Thanks Judi for taking the time to visit my blog. I hope to continue inspiring your visits and to stimulate new appreciation for seeing, interpreting and exploring the colourful world around you. Fondly, Kim

  3. 3 Gloria Lapsansky March 25, 2010 at 2:42 pm

    So excited to visit your blog. Describing yourself as someone who can blend sensory experiences, you couldn’t have been more accurate in describing both yourself and your art. Your art has a feel to it,which in turn incites our senses. Your unique jewelry
    creations (and your photography) are a manifestation of your persona. It’s obvious that you see the world in color.

    I so admire your work and look forward to seeing more of your jewelry, and would also hope to hear more of the interesting stories behind the lovely pieces you create.

  4. 4 Kim Mettee March 25, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    Thanks Gloria for taking the time to look at my blog. Your supportive words are so encouraging and I am grateful for them. I hope you will visit from time to time and share any thoughts or feelings that you experience. :-)Kim

  5. 5 Kelly March 31, 2010 at 8:00 am

    Thank you Kim for sharing your words , thoughts and preoccupations with us, the reader/viewer. I think it adds depth to our artwork by sharing what goes on behind the scenes with the artist. Sharing what makes us tick. I have greatly missed your not living near. This shall give me a wee “Kim fix” from time to time. Thank you for the Flickr images too.

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March 2010